Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese amateur radio operator. For you info, Chinese has already manufactured lots of electronic product for amateur radio. Names such as Puxing, Qixiang, Wouxun give us alternative to other well-known brand regarding their price and quality as well. For those who cant afford to buy high end product can consider to buy China made radio, available at your nearest radio store.

Chinese also have their own Amateur Radio Satellite called XW-1. Launched around 0230 UTC on December 15 2009.The satellite’s communications payload includes a beacon and three crossband transponders operating in FM, SSB/CW and digital modes. Uplink and downlink frequencies can be found on the CAMSAT Web site. Happy Chinese New Year to all Chinese hams and a very 73 from 9W2PJU.


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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