
designed for Backtrack4 RC1 distribution of Ubuntu. Linux only; no windows or osx support.


to attack multiple WEP and WPA encrypted networks at the same time. this tool is customizable to be automated with only a few arguments. can be trusted to run without supervision.


  • sorts targets by power (in dB); cracks closest access points first
  • automatically deauths clients of hidden networks to decloak SSIDs
  • numerous filters to specify exactly what to attack (wep/wpa/both, above certain signal strengths, channels, etc)
  • customizable settings (timeouts, packets/sec, channel, change mac address, etc)
  • all WPA handshakes are backed up to’s current directory
  • smart WPA deauthentication — cycles between all clients and broadcast deauths
  • stop any attack with Ctrl+C — options: continue, move onto next target, skip to cracking, or exit
  • switching WEP attack methods does not reset IVs
  • SKA support (untested)
  • displays session summary at exit; shows any cracked keys
  • all passwords saved to log.txt
  • built-in updater: “./ -upgrade” not automatic


  • linux operating system,
  • tested working with python 2.4.5 and python 2.5.2; might be compatible with other versions,
  • patched wireless drivers: backtrack4 has many pre-patched wireless drivers,
  • aircrack-ng suite: available via apt: apt-get install aircrack-ng or by clicking here,
  • python-tk module: required for GUI, available via apt: apt-get install python-tk
  • macchanger: not required; also available via apt: apt-get install macchanger
  • pyrit: not required, optionally strips wpa handshake from .cap files


download the latest version:

wget -O

change permissions to executable:

chmod +x



or, to see a list of commands with info:

./ -help


console mode:

gui mode (default):


the program contains lots of interactivity (waits for user input). these command-line options are meant to make the program 100% automated — no supervision required.

to crack all WEP access points:

./ -all -nowpa

to crack all WEP access points with signal strength greater than (or equal to) 50dB:

./ -p 50 -nowpa

to attack all access points, use ‘darkc0de.lst’ for cracking WPA handshakes:

./ -all --dict /pentest/passwords/wordlists/darkc0de.lst

to attack all WPA access points, but do not try to crack — any captured handshakes are saved automatically:

./ -all -nowpa --dict none

to crack all WEP access points greater than 50dB in strength, giving 15 minutes for each WEP attack method, and send packets at 600 packets/sec:

./ --power 50 -wepw 15 -pps 600

to attempt to crack WEP-encrypted access point “2WIRE752” endlessly — program will not stop until key is cracked or user interrrupts with ^C):

./ -e "2WIRE752" -wepw 0


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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