Script updates twitter, hamohio1.status.net, qaiku.com, as to your aprs location found from APRS.fi, also updates WX information.
The script has the ability to send APRS messages to twitter, and SMS.
Can now use Instamapper, and google Latitude to also update your location on twitter. Uses Teleku.com for SMS gateway. As of version 6.4.0b – The script has the ability to send you SMS messages of repeaters you are near!
Requirements: PHP (at least 5.2.3) with CURL extensions. (We have found that you need to have the PHP CLI compiled version of PHP, the CGI compiled version does not work at this time)
WE found a problem with version 6.3.7b – NOT working correctly under windows, not 100% sure what is going on with it. Under linux it seems to function correctly and does have some major corrections in it.
KI6BJV Has been trying to get the script to work under Mac OSX – so far it looks like v6.3.9b should work, having a bit of issues with 6.4.0b right now. He has gotten version 7.00.0b to also work.
We have tested version 6.3.4b & 6.3.6b using Windows Vista (using php 5.2.3 VC9 x86 Thread Safe downloaded from php.net), and Ubuntu Linux (9.10 – 10.04).
None of the script version seem to work using Window XP or before.
Please report any issues either here on the site, on HamOhio.com or directly to me – kd8bxp (@) hamohio.com (I welcome the email, and will try to answer just as soon as possible)
Currently working on version 7 of the APRS 2 Twitter script – Version has removed some of the features from previous version due to lack of use. It is still very much a work in progress, still in beta – so errors or php warnings are bound to pop up from time to time. I will try to keep the issues updated, and work on making good documentation.
More Ideas coming every day!
NEW: Documents for version 7.xx.x can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1NkWCi7LVSqFhbnXc2kUiefep3e-JtU4xqjx1fovsLqs&hl=en (incomplete, but all of the basics are there)
Thanks, Enjoy – LeRoy, KD8BXP
APRS copyright (c) Bob Burninga, WB4APR, APRS2Twitter Script makes use of the following APIs with much Thanks. tinygeocoder.com, Yahoo Business Local Search API, APRS.FI API, Tumblr API, Status.net API, Instamapper.com API, Google Latitude, Nearby.org.UK API, Qaiku.com API, Weather Bug API, Amateur-Radio.net, Supertweet.net API, and Twitter, Teleku.com API With respect to all copyright holders
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