Specialized Interests and modes In Amateur Radio

i_love_amateur_radio_t_shirt-p235027679589400143t5hl_400 Specialized Interests and modes In Amateur Radio amateur radio fox hunt gps hamradio HF hobby homebrew packet radio QSL cards radio amatur UHF VHF vintage weather

While many hams simply enjoy talking to friends, others pursue a wide variety of specialized interests.

* Amateur Radio Direction Finding, also known as “Fox hunting”
* Amateur radio emergency communications
* Amateur television
* Communicating via amateur satellites
* Contesting, earning awards, and collecting QSL cards
* Designing new antennas
* DX communication to far away countries
* DX-peditions
* Hamfests, club meetings and swap meets
* Hand building homebrew amateur radio gear
* High speed multimedia
* High Speed Telegraphy
* Packet radio
* Portable, fixed, mobile and handheld operation
* Low-power operation (QRP).
* Severe weather spotting
* Tracking tactical information using the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS), which may integrate with the GPS
* Using the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) to connect radio repeaters via the Internet
* VHF, UHF and microwave operation on amateur radio high bands
* Vintage amateur radios, such as those using vacuum tube technology
* Morse code, amateur radio VOIP, satellites communication and tracking, and many more!

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