WaveGuide App

ipad-1 WaveGuide App amateur radio band hamradio high frequency prediction propagation waveguide

WaveGuide is the amateur radio operator’s ultimate utility for
determining HF propagation conditions, whether you’re in the shack with
your linear or QRP mountaintopping.

Designed from the ground up as a Universal app that works on both iPhone and iPad, WaveGuide is easy, fun, and powerful.

From LU5DX’s Mac Soft review Corner.

Utilizing data from the popular PSKReporter database,
WaveGuide plots real-time propagation conditions, connecting stations
with great circles to show exactly where band conditions are best.

The colors of the great circles indicate the band, so it’s easy to
visually determine how the ionosphere is behaving anywhere in the world.


Filter by band, callsign, grid square, mode, and period

View details for each transmission, including time, DXCC entity, frequency, distance, and bearing

Display all signals at once, or just signals from one station

Find the best PSK31 frequencies to monitor at your QTH

Some Example Uses

See how band conditions fluctuate worldwide throughout the course of the day.

Chase DX by finding transmissions in your grid square.

Track signals received by your home station while you’re away. How many countries can you collect?

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