Oh My CW!

Continous wave tak tahu
Fikiran boleh buntu
Jari pun jadi kelu
Menjadi kelu
Tolonglah aku

Oh My CW!

Jom kita masuk kelas
Fikiran jadi cerdas
Syoknya tidak terbatas
Tidak terbatas
Jangan terlepas

Oh My CW!
Oh My CW!

Hello class is in session
Put your hands up if you have a question
Yeah! Kelas sudah bermula
Sila ambil nota kalau tak mahu lupa
Takkan kenal takkan cinta
Kalau tak mahu cuba
Bahasa kedua untuk kita semua
Siap sedia untuk menimba ilmu
Kalau tak mahu rugi
Jangan segan silu

In the class me and you
Mind your Dits and Dahs
Cross your Dahs dot the Dits
Fokus hingga selesai
Practice makes perfect
Trust me its worth it
When you know how to word it
Believe me you’re going to love it

Raise your hands in the air
If you’re Dxing with the best
Raise your hands in the air
If you’ve passed your CW test
Raise your hands in the air
If you’re QSOing with the best
Raise your hands in the air
If you’ve passed your CW test

Rock rock rock rock
Rocking with the best
Rock rock rock rock
Passed your CW test
Rock rock rock rock
Rocking with the best
Rock rock rock rock
Passed your CW test


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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