CQRLog – World’s Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux

CQRLOG is an advanced ham radio logger based on MySQL database. Provides radio control based on hamlib libraries (currently support of 140+ radio types and models), DX cluster connection, QRZ callbook (web version), a grayliner, internal QSL manager database support and a most accurate country resolution algorithm based on country tables developed by OK1RR. CQRLOG is intended for daily general logging of HF, CW & SSB contacts and strongly focused on easy operation and maintenance.

This is an obvious question if you plan to migrate your logbook to another program promising more comfortable operation and less paperwork. Every program has its own preferences and gets its own group of satisfied users who says ‘this is the best one, nothing else compares to ***’ etc. CQRLOG is not different.
Also, CQRLOG is a must:
  • if you are a dedicated DXer and/or Award hunter preferring ‘classic modes’ CW and SSB, active on daily regular basis who has a lot of contacts in his log
  • if you want a highest possible number of details on the station you are working or calling
  • if you want to have a very accurate DXCC, zones and IOTA statistics on the fly
  • if you want painless processing of a high number of QSL cards, LoTW and/or eQSL records
  • if you prefer the ergonomy over colourful screens with lots of buttons and boxes
  • if your operating style presumes to be focused more to your radio and the on-the-air scene than to your computer
  • if you prefer linux over Windows and want a more advanced logbook program, if you don’t trust the commercial/shareware programs
  • if you are not satisfied with the support of your current logger

CQRLOG would be probably an overkill:
  • if you are a casual operator with quite few (thousands) contacts in your log
  • if you operate mostly on local repeaters or in local SSB roundtables
  • if DX is not the matter
  • if you prefer digital modes, however CQRLOG integrates with FLDIGI, a high-end digital mode interface (sound card based software)
  • if you are a portable (SOTA etc.) guru using a minimalistic computer (ie. palmtop etc.)
  • if you are QSL manager who needs a tool for offline processing of many logs
  • if you are operator of a club station, where every member needs his own log

CQRLOG is not for you:
  • if you want to use the same program for daily logging and contesting, however we don’t exclude a CQRLOG clone dedicated to the contesters
  • if you operate a remote station which needs software control of almost everything, ie. you don’t have any access to the front panel of your radio

Anyway, CQRLOG is here and is for you. Try it out and if you decide to stay with this logger, we will be pleased. Of course, it will be very heartwarming if CQRLOG will became the reason to leave Windows and migrate to Linux.
new_qso CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
qso_list CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
dxcc_stat CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
ok2cqr CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
ik1dpa CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
do4nw CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
om0xa CQRLog - World's Best Ham Radio Logging App For Linux amateur radio logging software archlinux debian dx cluster fedora hamradio linux opensource operating system ubuntu
For more info, please go to http://www.cqrlog.com

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