K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna

Enjoying Amateur Radio for 48 years now.

.Aug_15_2012_3_11_23_PM K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Check Out My Commcat LIve Page, watch my S-Meter.http://k8nds.myqsx.net/

Here are a few quotes from Albert Einstein that applies to all the Naysayers concerning my Helical Antenna design, especially the ones on Eham Articles:

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex. It takes a touch of genius — and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.” – Albert Einstein

If you need further information concerning this Loop design I will answer emails as time permits.

If You voted for Obama, please get your help and Free Bees from him, I don’t contribute my time to free loaders.

All conservatives emails answered here with pleasure.


A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.

— George Bernard Shaw

Check out my DX Contacts using my 2-element Helical Loaded magnetic Loop Antenna. NEW 05/05/2012


Here is a Quote from VK2DX on my 2 element Helical Magnetic Loop:

Again, I am not an antenna expert – just someone who spends lots of timetuning the knob. In just 4 months this year I’ve made 21,000 DX contacts and trust me, I can tell the difference between good signal and great one.Your signal that evening was what I would described “Best punch for antenna footprint” I’ve ever heard on 20m.
All the best, 73 Nick VK2DX
Sydney, Australia

Check Out K5RPM Page, read Ron’s evaluation of my Helical Loop design: http://www.qrz.com/db/K5RPM

Check Out AG6LJ Page, View John’s HL mag Loop installation: www.qrz.com/db/AG6LJ

Check Out N6NBV Page, View Steve’s 20 to 10 meter Mag Loop installation: www.qrz.com/db/N6NBV

Watch myYOU TUBE VIDEO’s demonstrating this antenna in action:

Main: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2YpyLAULKqg

2nd video Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTg6pVesbhc

2nd Video Part2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTPZ3E_6M8A

2 Element Helical Magnetic Loop Video


Check out my page for more info: http://www.hlmagneticloopantennas.com/

**Newest 2 Element Mag Loop** Click Herehttp://www.hlmagneticloopantennas.com/2elementloop//

“Newest” (02/21/2012) 80 to 20 meter 2 element loop

DSC_0626 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

17 to 10 meter version on left, Two 33 inch elements, rotates azimuth & elevation. 7.5 ft high

Elevation rotation changes polorization

On right, 80 to 20 meter version, two 4.5 ft loops, rotates azimuth only; 10 ft high

Latest Tuner design, direct drive with limit travel and motor stall Warning Led on control unit.

tuner_Labeled K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Remote tuner and controller Schematic/block diagram.

Controller K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Johns_Antenna K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Latest single element design, 60 to 15 meter range. Shown with no weather cover & no paint.

Johns_Antenna2 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Latest 60 to 15 meter design shown with weather cover & no paint.

DSC_0040 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds 80_30_Mtr K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Before Painting and after Painting with rotor added

80, 60, 40 & 30 Meter Linear Loaded Magnetic Loop, 77 inches in

diameter mounted 5 ft off the ground. Handels full legal limit 1500 Wts.

Tunes 1/1 vswr at 50 ohms from 3.0mhz to approx 12 mhz.

The Q of this loop is > 1400 at the low end of tuning (75/80 mtr range). The Q is a bit lower

in the 40 mter band, around 1000 or so. This refects the bandwidth to be approx 7 khz on 80 mtrs

and around 18 khz on 40 mtrs. The sharp tuning is actually a advantage to act like a sharp filter

out in your yard where it counts. The broadside “Near E field rejection” is approx >50 db to any local

electrical interference. A rotator can be of some advantage and seems to exibit 6 to 12 db difference

when the station is in the plane of the loop and is utilizing low angle radiation. There are times when I see as much as

24 db change. I do notice this advantage with my 40/15 version when working DX.

2 Element 17 thru 10 Meter 4 band loop

YouTube Video

Click Here


2_element_Loop2 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Azimuth and Elevation rotation

Tests compared to the single element 20-10 meter loop & 17 meter elevated

fed ground plane with 45 deg sloping radials. The single 20-10 meter loop is

shown farther down this page, A/B testshave been consistent 12 to 15db gain

over the single loop & the ground plane.

Check my link above to see more info on this antenna.


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Gamma Match original setting greatly effectd by the Capacitance to the workshop floor. Was 50 Ohms @ 1/1 VSWR

in this posistion; changed to 2.5/1 when rasised to operating posistion. This was matched here only for testing purposes.

Do not solder match into place until errected.

DSC_0049 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Actual Gamma Match was perfected on a ladder and is now 1/1 VSWR @ 50 ohms

across the entire tuning range.

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Rear view of feed wire/gamma match exiting the PVC tube

Loop_Mounted_669x1000 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Oldest 20 -10 meter loop; This loop is only 33 Inches in diameter, it is mounted 4 feet off the ground on arotor. The rotation seems to make a large difference. I have recieved reports of as much as 24db signal changeby rotating it just 90 degrees.

I am contributing this to polorization change, a very usefull function.

I also notice as much as 18 to 24 db change with local contacts. This design is named by me as a”Helically wound linear loaded magnetic loop”You won’t find this anywhere on the internet, it is my design. I am disclosing this to the public through a “Disclosure rather then a patent”.

No one else will be able to patent this, I am giving it for free to all those interested in building one. A great solution for HOA Hams.

Now there is no excuse for not getting on the air because the XYL wants to live in an antenna resticted environment.

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PVC Loop Frame using flexable PVC, NEW 12/17/2012

Gamma_Adj_1000x669 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Gamma Match detail.OLD DESIGN, do not use steel clamps; interfers

with gamma tuning. Use ONLY Plastic Clamps. Solder gamma then clamp

with heavy duty plastic cable clamp to secure.

SO239_solder_connection_750x948 K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

Mounting of the SO-239 Connector

The following Photos are the actual Bandwidth characteristics that were measured in the real antenna position by sweepingthe antenna. This will give the builder a feel for what to expect out of each band when designing a loop.

80_meter_BW_lg_loop K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

80 Meter bandwidth trace, depicts very narrow band width, a characteristic of the lowest design frequency.

Bandwidth is ONLY 11 Khz @ 2:1; this makes a great stop band filter for QRM off to the side!

60_meter_BW_lg_loop K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

60 Meter trace20.2 khz 2:1 bandwidth, Ignor the spike at 5.400 mhz at the left of the desired trace.

It was an actual on theair RTTY signal, very strong.

40_meter_BW_lg_loop K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

40 Meter trace,30.6 Khz 2:1 bandwidth

30_meter_BW_lg_loop K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

30 Meter trace76khz 2:1 bandwidth

20_meter_BW_80_40_loop K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

This is a trace of the 80/30 meter loop tuned on 20 meters. The loop is no longeroperating in the mode of a magnetic loop.The inductance of the driven element is too long. The electrical circumference is approaching 1/2 wave length.It no longer has a null pattern on this band. With that being said it works real wellon 20 meters but has the characteristics of a vertical antenna, I can not null out noise on this band with this antenna.I have received very good signal reports even so. As you can see thebandwidth is 224 khz 2:1, no longer a HI-Q antenna.

The following are photos of the 20 – 10 Meter loop.

20_meter_BW K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

20 Meter bandwidth is 62.6 Khz 2:1

17_meter_BW K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

17 meter bandwidth is 100.5 Khz @ 2:1. this just about covers the entire phone

band less then 2:1 VSWR

15_meter_BW K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

15 meter bandwidth is 142.6 Khz @ 2:1

12_meter_BW K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

12 meter bandwidth is 222.6 Khz @ 2:1

10_meter_bw K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

10 meter bandwidth is: 190 Khz @ 2:1

These “Helically Wound Linear Loaded Loops” are performing far beyond my expectations.

I hope to see all of you on the air to show you proofHave Fun! K8NDS

Aug_15_2012_3_11_23_PM K8NDS Helically Loaded Magnetic Loop Antenna amateur radio ham radio helically loaded magnetic loop antenna homebrew k8nds

My 8 area call sign comes form Michigan. I have retired in the southwest in the city of Cottonwood in the Verde Valley high desert 3580 ft elevation, 100 miles north of Phoenix 45 miles south of flagstaff. I retired from General Motors corporation in Warren, Michigan after 29 years in the engineering group. My last assignment was development of the GM Onstar system where I was responsible for automotive antenna developement, such as GPS, Cellular and AM/FM.

My radio days go back to when I was 16 years old, I met a local Ham in the neighborhood by listening to 160mtrs on the sub harmonic using an old tube type AM radio. The gentalman (W8LVR) gave me the novice test and I passed it. I worked and got my General Class ticket 6 months later. Two years later I joined the USN and became a Radioman aboard two different DD class destoyers. I became very proficient at CW and copied about 30 WPM on a typewriter. In the last 18 months of the military I studied for my First Class commercial ticket, took the test and passed 3rd, 2nd and 1st in the same day. When my tour of duty was finished I went to work for a communications company doing two way radio repair and repeater installations. I also worked as a week-end Broadcast Engineer of a large station in the Detoirt area, it gave me plenty of study time as I went to school while doing both jobs.

Along came an opertunity to interview at General Motors Detroit Diesel Division, I got the job and worked in the Advanced Engineering Laboratory measuring paramenters of diesel engine design. Two years later I transfered to the GM technical center in Warren Michigan. I worked in Electromagnetic Interference department (EMC). I developed many test methods for EMC employing and developing fiber optic transmitters and receivers. I then transfered to Advanced Engineering and ended up working on AM/FM antennas and disecting competators systems. Along came the start of Onstar, I worked on testing the first Onstar hardware systems for about ten years. I developed many test fixures and test methods for GPS and celular antennas. My last task was putting together an RF lab and Audio Lab for Infotainment, I retired from that position. I have some Antenna patents under my name /GM as the owner of course.

My favorite hobby is dreaming up new Amateur Radio antennas designs, I am building several Magnetic Loop designs for limited space usage.

I also do custom computer consulting and design.

One of my other interests that I have studied and examined for many years is the effects of EM fields on the human body. I have designed a sleep system that shileds the natural brain waves from the RF spectrum, keeping the nervous system tuned to normal. My XYL and I have been using this for 2 years now, it is amazing! I also have other friends that use it, they will also swear to it. It makes you sleep like a baby! ( that is a good sleeping baby.Hi Hi)

Many think that EM wave effects on the human body is all hocus pokus, but I can tell you from experience that EM wave exposure causes many isues including a poor sleep function which is the downfall of good health.

I have studied health & nutrician for over 37 years now, my XYL and I are very healthy as a result (no medications and no doctors) . Without your health you have nothing, I guess that is why it is my 2nd varorite hobby.

EMF Exposure and YOU! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XWTOI9EMY&context=C3043543ADOEgsToPDskJaGpOok5Ji7jbU7wjs8zm4

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