Malaysian Amateur Radio Outdoor Activities

Estimated population of amateur radio in Malaysia is about 10 thousands. Most of them are class B, and class A callsigns is about 300 to 400. This is not official count, if you want exact number please ask MCMC.

Amateur radio outdoor activity in Malaysia, means that you go somewhere out from your home and do some ham radio related activities.

In Malaysia we have,

1. JOTA – jamboree on the air. Scouts activities, probably one or twice in a year. International and national communication. They went somewhere to any nearest scouts camp and operates there.

2. Lighthouse weekend – once in a year event. This event gathered Malaysian hams at any lighthouse. Chasing DX contact on HF. Not merely a contest, more on field day at lighthouse. Great event to promote lighthouse usage and history.

3. Contesting Expedition – some of international contest has expedition category. This is great event too, hams will gather up and do some dxpedition and contesting.

4. Simulated Emergency Test – this is emergency communication awareness program. International and also national.

5. Ham Fest – amateur radio festival, promoting amateur radio to public. There will be a portable station in ham fest park.

6. Marathon/Cycling Communication Aid – hams helping public to provide communication for these activities.

7. Field Day – hams happy day activity. DXing and also communicating with local hams. This event also good to promote amateur radio to public besides gather new and old hams.

8. Amateur Radio Direction Finding contest – find those beacon and win a prize activity. Not compulsory to ham.

9. Technical class / knowledge sharing session – usually held at mamak restaurant, eat and drink while exchanging topics and infos. Technical class usually about antenna, electric and electronics.

10. Flea market – hams meeting place and trading.

11. RAE and CW test center – you can meet old and new hams here coming and aiding their friend who will take the exam.

These event are good to promote amateur radio. These are where we can have an eyeball QSO, learn something and bring our non-ham friends.

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