Yaesu FT857 FT897 CW Message Memory
Yaesi FT857 and FT897 has their own memory for cw messages storage.
Button A B and C can be programmed to storage short lengthened messages for example, CQ CQ DE 9Μ2PJU, TNX FER QSO 73 or UR 5NN K.
For A button, we can use it as looping message useful for beaconing operation.
It can be set to automatically transmit for example once in a minute.
You can set it to send CQ call once in a minute. If you hear any station replying your call, you can either reply to his call manually using your keyer or by pressing B button which already programmed with reply message.
isn’t is useful enough for you?
But if you want to send longer messages, better use 3rd party devices or your personal computer installed with cw interface.
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