Malaysian Ham Radio Activities
Hello and good day to all readers. It’s been a while since my last quality post. Everyone went crazy with facebook and already gave up on blogging including me.
Here in Malaysia, we have many ham radio events going on. From daily or weekly eyeball QSO to FCC examination. List below.
1. Daily or weekly eyeball QSO
2. Overnight mega eyeball
3. International lighthouse weekend
4. Contesting
5. Daily dx or ragchew on 40 meters
6. Emcomm and go box competition
7. Islands on the air
8. Flora and fauna
9. Beaches on the air
10. Practical antenna/electronic class
11. Practical APRS
12. Ham radio fox hunt
13. Daily ragchew on 2 meters repeaters
If you are tourist, feels free to contact any ham radio operators or clubs and ask for any upcoming event. We are welcoming any ham radio operators around the world to join our local han radio activities.
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