PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands

withPA3FRI PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

Me and Martin PA3FRI/9M2FRI at Amsterdam Centraal

9m2pju_pa3fri_warmenhuizen PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

On October 2017, I was in Warmenhuizen, Netherlands and operated on 40 and 20 meters CW mode as PA3/9M2PJU using Kent single paddle keyer, Kenwood TS-480 with Multi bands end fed antenna.

pa3fri_kent_paddle PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

QTH was at Martin’s house. His Netherlands callsign is PA3FRI and his Malaysian callsign is 9M2FRI.

pa3fri_radioshack PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

I’m using his radio shack located in his home’s attic. With his simple equipment and my lack of time to spend on radio activities, I managed to make a few contacts and most of them are from Europe.

warmenhuizen_temp_autumn_2017 PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

The temperature was cold in Netherlands, it was 15 to 20 degrees Celsius but it was such a great experience operating outside 9M2 land.

pa3fri_end_fed PA3/9M2PJU Warmenhuizen Netherlands amateur radio CW ham radio malaysia morse code

Thanks to those who answered my calls. Till we meet again. 73.

posted from Bloggeroid

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