Summits on the Air is an international amateur radio program that encourages hikers and climbers to reach designated summits and establish radio communication with fellow enthusiasts. It is an exciting fusion of outdoor exploration, radio operation, and camaraderie. SOTA not only presents an opportunity to conquer peaks but also enables participants to engage in meaningful conversations and connections with fellow radio enthusiasts around the world.

West Malaysia boasts an array of stunning summits that provide the ideal backdrop for SOTA adventures. From the iconic Mount Kinabalu, the highest peak in Southeast Asia, to the verdant Titiwangsa Mountain Range, the region offers a diverse range of landscapes and challenges for SOTA enthusiasts. Whether it’s the dense tropical rainforests of Gunung Tahan or the granite peaks of Gunung Ledang, West Malaysia’s summits offer a captivating blend of natural beauty and thrilling escapades.

10 years ago, an adventurous soul embarked on a transformative journey through West Malaysia’s SOTA summits. This journey was meticulously captured in a mesmerizing montage video. The video showcases the diverse landscapes encountered during the journey. We witness lush rainforests teeming with life, mist-shrouded ridges, and panoramic vistas that stretch to the horizon. These scenes serve as a reminder of the awe-inspiring natural wonders that await those who embark on SOTA expeditions in West Malaysia.

Furthermore, the video captures the essence of the SOTA community. We witness radio operators exchanging callsigns, sharing stories, and lending support to one another. This camaraderie is a testament to the power of SOTA in fostering connections and creating lasting friendships among individuals with a shared passion for adventure and radio communication.



An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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