Malaysian Amateur Radio Callsigns
Here is the list of Malaysian Amateur Radio Callsign. Harvested from MCMC's website by 9M2CIO. The…
Here is the list of Malaysian Amateur Radio Callsign. Harvested from MCMC's website by 9M2CIO. The…
I am not a good writter but i will try my best to explian whats…
Lawati untuk pemberitahuan Ujian Amatir (RAE) Radio. Download borang permohonan isi borang pendaftaran. borang anda harus…
Licensing maklumat untuk Malaysia - 9M2, 9M6 dan 9M8 Dipersiapkan oleh: OH2MCN - Veke &…
it is time to follow updates by following @hamradio on twitter!
Foreign amateur radio operator may apply for Amateur Radio Apparatus Assignment under the reciprocal arrangement…
Licensing information for Malaysia - 9M2, 9M6 and 9M8 Prepared by: OH2MCN - Veke &…
You said people are wrong, and you are right Your hobby is not from your…
Dr. Ahmad Faizal bin Mohd. Zain is a Professor of Electrical Engineering and heads the… is up and running. We are collecting Malaysian hamradio blogs now, to add yourself,…