SDR-Radio Windows Console Online Receiver

sdr-radio SDR-Radio Windows Console Online Receiver amateur radio free download hamradio microsoft windows online receiver sd-14 sdr-radio software defined radio is a Windows console for SDR receivers and transceivers. Designed for the Amateur Radio, short-wave listener and commercial community, the console will provide a powerful interface for the both SDR enthusiasts and professional users. The recommended hardware is the SDR range from RFspace.

The future of radio communications is Software Defined Radio:

  • Inexpensive hardware such as the SoftRock series of receivers and transceivers,
  • Excellent performance and strong signal handling,
  • Features available with SDR which were previously only found on expensive high-end radios such as ICOM IC-7700, IC-7800 and the Yaesu FTDX-9000 series.


  • RFSPACE SDR-IQ, SDR-14 and future receivers: Free
  • Soundcard (SoftRock) and low-end SDR: Free
  • Other: T.B.A.

No Radio Needed!

You don’t need a radio to use the software – many Hams and SWLs have made their radios available over the internet. Just look at the On-Air Servers page for a list of the radios you can use.

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huih.. macam2 ya..teringin pula ada callname…

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