ATrack – APRS Client For OpenMoko Freerunner
APRS tracker and communicator for mobile devices written in python / elementary. Targeted especially for the Openmoko Freerunner it utilizes FSO freesmartphone middleware framework. Tested and used on SHR, where atrack is in repos, so to install type: opkg install atrack
Atrack can also track on different services, i.e. support for, but then it acts as a dumb tracker.
Please note that usage within the aprs network requires amateur radio license, but for non-commercial usage you can run your own FOSS aprsd server, this is given by the license of the APRS protocol, both aprsd server and atrack are FOSS). You can also run a fake small perl script server PrivateAPRS_IS_FakeServer

- aprs login with a try to autoreconnect on failure
- aprs filter support
- receive messages/bulletins
- create/reply/forward message
- predefined text strings for quick messaging
- predefined list of recipients
- ack autosend
- tracking + smart tracking – corner pegging (tracking on APRS and also on )
- packet compression used on all packets
- pause tracking during phone call
- send status message
- send last know location
- calculate locator grid
- display nearby stations, objects, items
- edit/save into conf file
- portrait/landscape/fullscreen/day/night mode
- screen dim/suspend blocking
- APRS Query – replying to aprs query for position and status
- send any Direct query, predefined Q for P, S, M, O, H, D
- create, edit Objects and Items with predefined names
- Mic-E encoded packets initial support (shows some funny failures sometimes)
- display a map with position with an object/station – based on Openstreetmap or actually on
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