9M2PJU QSL Manager

Mark K2AU, is an experienced amateur radio operator with a passion for the hobby. With years of involvement in the amateur radio community, Mark has developed a deep understanding of QSL card management and the importance of confirming contacts. As the official QSL card manager for 9M2PJU, Mark takes pride in facilitating QSL card exchanges and ensuring that each contact is acknowledged.

Sending QSL Cards

To send a QSL card to Mark K2AU for 9M2PJU confirmation, please follow these steps:

Prepare Your QSL Card: Design and print your QSL card with the necessary information, including your callsign, date and time of the contact, frequency, and mode. You may also include any additional details you wish to share.

Include Return Envelope and Postage: Enclose a self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage for the return of your QSL card. Ensure that the envelope is correctly addressed to your location.

Add Donation (Optional): While not mandatory, a donation to cover the cost of return postage and QSL card printing is appreciated. Donations can be made via cash, check, or online payment methods to Mark K2AU.

Mail Your QSL Card: Send your QSL card, return envelope, and donation (if applicable) to the address provided below:

6831 SW 16TH ST

Confirmation and Return: Upon receiving your QSL card, Mark K2AU will promptly process it and confirm the contact. Your QSL card, along with a return QSL card from 9M2PJU, will be sent back to you using the provided self-addressed envelope.

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact Mark K2AU. He can be reached via email at [email protected]