Following are the frequency ranges used in satellite communications.

 L-band (390 MHz-1.55 GHz)
 GPS satellites, satellite phones,
  misc commsats,
  SETI outer space exploration

 S-band (1.55-5.2 GHz)
 weather satellites, XM/Sirius radio

 C-band (3-7 GHz) (first satellite band)
 misc GEO commsats, cable TV,
  satellite TV (7-10 ft. steerable dishes)

 X-band (8-12 GHz)
 misc commsats

 Ku-band (11-15 GHz)
 TV network satellite distribution, misc
  commsats, satellite TV (18" dishes)

 Ka-band (18-40 GHz)
 misc commsats, satellite phone backhaul


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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