VOA Broadcast Frequency Schedules
Effective 0800 UTC, 27 March 2011 through 0800 UTC, 30 October 2011

All times and dates are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), same as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

Frequencies are in kiloHertz (kHz). 1 MegaHertz (MHz) is equal to 1000 kHz. Conversion to meter bands: Meters=300000/frequency in kHz. e.g.: 17705 kHz –> 16.9 meters

Abbreviations: All programs/frequencies are on daily unless noted otherwise.
& – Monday only, * – Monday through Friday, = – Monday through Saturday< – Tuesday through Friday, / – Tuesday and Friday only, # – Tuesday through Saturday, % – Tuesday through Sunday, ~ – Thursday only, > – Friday and Saturday
@ – Saturday only, $ – Saturday and Sunday, ” – Sunday only+ – Sunday and Monday, ^ – Sunday through Thursday, ! – Sunday through Friday

Afan Oromo 1730-1800 UTC* 11905 11925 12140 13570 13870
Albanian 0500-0530 UTC 5945
1600-1630 UTC 6040
1830-1900 UTC 6065
Amharic 1800-1900 UTC 11905 11925 12140 13570 13870
Azerbaijani 1730-1800 UTC 7435 9850 13600
Bangla 1600-1700 UTC 1575 7475 9320
Burmese 0000-0030 UTC 1575 5955 7430 9320
0130-0300 UTC 11820 15110 17775
1130-1230 UTC 11965 15350 17775
1430-1500 UTC 1575 5865 9320 11910 12120
1500-1530 UTC 5865 9320 11910
1500-1530 UTC$ 1575
1530-1600 UTC 1575 5865 9355
1600-1630 UTC 5865 9355
2300-2400 UTC 6185 7430 9320
Cantonese 1300-1500 UTC 1170 7365 9355
Chinese 0000-0100 UTC 9545 11830 11925 15170 15385 17765
0900-1100 UTC 11825 11965 13610 13740 15250 15665 17485 21695
1100-1200 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11825 11990 12040 15250
1200-1300 UTC 6110 11785 11825 11990 12040 15115 15250
1300-1400 UTC 6110 9845 11785 11805 11990 12040 15115
1400-1500 UTC 6110 9845 11615 11805 11990 12040
2200-2300 UTC 6135 7205 9510 9845 11805 11925
Croatian 0430-0500 UTC 5945
1830-1845 UTC 3995 5910
Dari 0130-0230 UTC 1296 9335 11565
1530-1630 UTC 1296 9335 15090 15380
1730-1830 UTC 1296 9335 11565 11580
1930-2030 UTC 1296 7555 9335
English to Europe, Middle East and North Africa 0100-0130 UTC 1593
1500-1600 UTC 13570 15530
2000-2100 UTC* 5930 9480
English to Africa 0300-0400 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 9855 15580
0400-0430 UTC 909 1530 4930 4960 6080 9855 11670 15580
0430-0500 UTC 909 4930 4960 6080 11670 15580
0500-0600 UTC 909 4930 6080 11670 15580
0600-0700 UTC 909 1530 6080 11670 15580
1400-1500 UTC 4930 6080 12080 15580 17545
1500-1600 UTC 4930 6080 12080 15580 17895
1600-1700 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 15580
1700-1800 UTC 6080 12015 15580 17895
1800-1830 UTC 6080 9850 12015 15580
1800-1830 UTC$ 909 4930
1830-1900 UTC 4930 6080 9850 12015 15580
1830-1900 UTC$ 909
1900-1930 UTC 909 4930 4940 6080 9850 15580 17895
1930-2000 UTC 909 4930 4940 6080 15580
2000-2030 UTC 909 1530 4930 4940 6080 15580
2030-2100 UTC 909 1530 4930 6080 15580
2030-2100 UTC$ 4940
2100-2200 UTC 1530 6080 15580
English to Far East Asia, South Asia and Oceania 0100-0200 UTC 7430 9780 11705
1100-1200 UTC$ 1575
1200-1300 UTC 1170 7575 9510 12075 12150
1300-1400 UTC$ 7575 9510 9760 12150
1400-1500 UTC* 7540 7575 12150
1500-1600 UTC 7540 7575 12150
2200-2300 UTC^ 5895 5915 7480 7575 11955
2230-2400 UTC> 1575
2300-2400 UTC 5895 5910 7575 11955
English to Afghanistan 0000-0030 UTC 1296 7555
2030-2400 UTC 1296 7555
English-Special 0000-0030 UTC 1593
0030-0100 UTC 1575 1593 7430 9715 9780 11725 12005 15205 15290 17820
0130-0200 UTC# 1593 7465 9820
1500-1600 UTC 6140 7465 7520 9485 9760
1600-1700 UTC 11890 12080 13570
1600-1700 UTC* 1170
1900-2000 UTC 7485 9630
2230-2300 UTC 7460 9570 11840 15340
2300-2400 UTC 1593 7460 9570 11840 15340
French 0530-0600 UTC* 1530 4960 6095 9880 13710
0600-0630 UTC* 4960 6095 9880 13710
1830-2000 UTC 1530 9815 17560
2000-2030 UTC 6170 9815 12080 15730 17560
2030-2100 UTC$ 9885 12080 15185 15730
2100-2130 UTC* 9815 9885 12035 12080
Georgian 1600-1700 UTC 9435 13745
1700-1800 UTC 7425 11940
Hausa 0500-0530 UTC 1530 4960 6045 9600
0700-0730 UTC 4960 11785 17820
1500-1530 UTC 13600 13830 13870
2030-2100 UTC* 4940 6170 7320 9815 15185
Khmer 1330-1430 UTC 1575 5955 11540
2200-2230 UTC 1575 6060 9320 15110
Kinyarwanda/Kirunda 0330-0430 UTC 6100 7340 11905
1600-1630 UTC@ 11695 15620 17895
Korean 1200-1300 UTC 1188 5890 7225 9490
1300-1500 UTC 1188 5890 7225 11935
1900-2100 UTC 648 5870 6060 7365
Kurdish 0500-0600 UTC 11905 15130 17750
1400-1500 UTC 1593 11645 15130 17750
1700-1800 UTC 11645 15130 15380
2000-2100 UTC 1593
Lao 1230-1300 UTC 1575 9810 12010
Pashto 0030-0130 UTC 1296 7555 9335
1430-1530 UTC 1296 9335 15090 15380
1630-1730 UTC 1296 9335 11565 11580
1830-1930 UTC 1296 7555 9335
Pashtun 0130-0230 UTC 5970 6105 7345
1530-1630 UTC 1593 7295 9390 11780
1630-1700 UTC 1593 6040 9390 11780
1700-1730 UTC 1593 6040 9370 11780
1730-1800 UTC 1593 6040 7455 9370
1800-1830 UTC 648 1593 6040 7455 9370
1830-1900 UTC 648 6040 7455 9370
1900-1930 UTC 6040 7455 9370
Portuguese 1000-1030 UTC$ 17740 21590
1700-1800 UTC 1530 9800 15740 17820
1800-1830 UTC* 1530 9800 15740 17820
Shon/Ndeb/Eng 1700-1800 UTC 909 4930 12130 15730
1800-1830 UTC* 909 4930 12130 15730
1800-1900 UTC* 909 12130 15730
Somali 0330-0400 UTC 5945 11670 15730
1300-1400 UTC 11665 15730
1600-1630 UTC 1431 11665 15730
1630-1700 UTC 11665 15730
1700-1800 UTC 11665 13680
Spanish 0000-0100 UTC# 5890 9885 12000
1130-1200 UTC* 9885 13750 15590
1200-1300 UTC 9885 13750 15590
2300-2400 UTC 5890 9885 12000
Sudanese English 1630-1700 UTC* 9675 12015 13870
Swahili 1630-1700 UTC 9815 15620 15740
Tibetan 0000-0100 UTC 7250 9480 9855
0300-0600 UTC 15265 15490 17735
1400-1500 UTC 7465 11510 11595
1400-1500 UTC) 15180
1400-1500 UTC; 15530
1600-1700 UTC 7330 9565 17670
Tigrigna 1900-1930 UTC* 11905 11925 12140 13570 13870
Urdu 0000-0100 UTC 972 1539
0100-0200 UTC 972 1539 7460 11975
1400-1500 UTC 972 1539 13620 15725
1500-2400 UTC 972 1539
Uzbek 1500-1530 UTC 9945 11940 12120 13755
Vietnamese 1300-1330 UTC 1575
1500-1600 UTC 1170


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

One thought on “Voice Of America Broadcast Frequency”
  1. TQ for information, how can I listen to America from my place here in Malaysia? What is the frequency? Thanks in advance, sir- 9W2SUX

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