Ham Radio Using Linux
Ham radio and linux is my main passion right now. im writing this post to encourage all ham radio operators to consider using open source operating system for their everyday task such as controlling their rigs, logging, plotting, creating new electronic circuits, designing new antennas, encoding or decoding morse code, psk31, rtty, APRS tracking system and much more.
LinuxJournal magazine has already covered linux and ham radio on their past edition. Check out http://www.linuxjournal.com/ham. Thanks to David A. Lane, KG4GIY. One of Fedora members also wrote a guide to amateur radio on his website, http://jjmcd.fedorapeople.org/amateur-radio-guide/. Ubuntu got it’s own wiki for amateur radio, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AmateurRadio.
Quote of the day
“A Linux box is both a powerful communications platform and a really neat gadget! What ham could resist? – Jerry KF6VB”
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