9M2PJU 1 Watts Paperless CW Ragchew With 9M2AR
My QRP QSO with 9M2AR using only 1 Watt on Yaesu FT-817ND during 2014 International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend (ILLW) at Tanjung Gelang, Kuantan, Pahang.
We had our 45 minutes CW ragchew. We talked and laughed together in Morse code over the air. The band wasn’t good that night since there are to many high powered SSB stations using CW portion of 40 meters band. Most of them were from Indonesia. But for me, this situation is normal and i can bear with it.Sending and receiving Morse code without reading and writing on paper is a must if we want to keep enjoying Morse code conversation. Most of CW operator will keep on writing during receiving, or reading a notes on a paper while transmitting, this is essential. But for me, if it just a chit chat, i will not write them. If it is important messages, sure i will write them on a paper. Learning to decode and send on the fly using your imaginations is good when you don’t have any pens or papers or when you are doing something else (multitasking).
To those who use high end transceiver equipped with good CW filters, it would be nice since they can play around with their filters to reject the splatters and noises. But relying on yourself is better than relying on things.
That’s it, 1 Watt and 45 minutes relaxing CW QSO.
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