FxSound, a renowned digital audio enhancement program for Windows, has officially gone open source! This exciting news means that anyone can now access, modify, and contribute to the FxSound project, with its source code freely available on GitHub. Whether you’re an audiophile, a developer, or just someone who loves great sound quality, FxSound offers an excellent opportunity to delve into high-fidelity audio enhancement software.

What is FxSound?

FxSound is a powerful digital audio program designed to enhance the audio experience on Windows PCs. Acting as a virtual sound card, FxSound ensures that your audio signals are transmitted with pristine clarity, devoid of distortion. The software provides a suite of active effects that allow users to shape and boost their sound, adjusting volume, timbre, and equalization to their preference.

With FxSound, you can customize and enhance your audio output to suit various listening scenarios—whether you’re gaming, listening to music, or watching movies, FxSound optimizes the sound to deliver an immersive audio experience.

Key Features of FxSound

  • High-Fidelity Audio Processing: FxSound’s high-fidelity audio engine processes sound cleanly, ensuring that every audio signal is crisp and clear.
  • Customizable Sound Effects: Users can adjust volume, timbre, and equalization with active effects to tailor their audio experience.
  • Easy Integration: The software integrates seamlessly with Windows, enhancing the sound from any application that plays audio.

Getting Started with FxSound

To begin using FxSound, you can download the latest version directly from the official website. The software’s installer is straightforward, making it easy to get started with improving your audio quality immediately.

Building FxSound from Source

For those interested in the development side, FxSound’s source code is now available on GitHub. Here’s a quick guide on how to build FxSound from source:


  1. Download and install the latest version of FxSound.
  2. Install Visual Studio 2022.
  3. Install the Windows SDK.
  4. Install the JUCE framework version 6.1.6 (Note: FxSound has compatibility issues with JUCE 7.x.x, hence the use of version 6.1.6).

Building FxSound

  1. Open the Solution in Visual Studio: Navigate to fxsound/Project/FxSound.sln and open it in Visual Studio.
  2. Build and Run: Build the required configuration and platform, then run the application.

Additional Steps for Projucer Export

When exporting the Visual Studio solution from Projucer, additional manual adjustments are needed:

  1. Add Dependency Projects: Open fxsound/Project/FxSound.sln in Visual Studio and add audiopassthru/audiopassthru.vcxproj and dsp/DfxDsp.vcxproj.
  2. Set References: Add references to audiopassthru and DfxDsp from the FxSound_App project.
  3. Configure Platforms: Add a 32-bit Win32 configuration if needed, copying settings from the x64 configuration.
  4. Set Working Directory: Ensure the application uses presets by setting the Working Directory to $(SolutionDir)..\..\bin\$(PlatformTarget) in the FxSound_App project properties under Debugging.

Contributing to FxSound

FxSound welcomes contributions from developers around the world. If you’re interested in contributing, check out the contributing guidelines on their GitHub page. By participating, you can help enhance the software, fix bugs, and add new features.


FxSound is released under the GPL v3.0 license, which means it’s free to use, distribute, and modify. This open-source license encourages collaboration and sharing within the community, fostering an environment where FxSound can continually improve and evolve.

Join the FxSound Community

With the source code now open to the public, there’s never been a better time to get involved with FxSound. Whether you’re enhancing your own audio experience or contributing to the project, FxSound offers a robust platform for exploring the world of audio processing. Join the discussion on the FxSound forum and connect with other users and developers passionate about high-quality sound.

Dive into the world of high-fidelity audio with FxSound—now open source and ready for your contributions!


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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