In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, universities constantly seek efficient, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to enhance their IT infrastructure. One such solution that has gained significant traction is the use of Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution. Institutions like the University of Kerala, the University of Delhi, Tsinghua University, and Technische Universität München have embraced Ubuntu for its myriad benefits. Additionally, the specialized educational variant, Edubuntu, provides tailored features for academic environments. Let’s explore why these universities choose Ubuntu and the specific advantages offered by Edubuntu.

Why Universities Use Ubuntu

  1. Cost-Effectiveness:
  • Open Source: Ubuntu is free to use, which helps universities reduce costs associated with licensing fees. This is particularly beneficial for institutions with limited budgets.
  • Maintenance Savings: Since Ubuntu is open-source, updates and maintenance are managed by a global community, reducing the need for expensive proprietary support services.
  1. Security:
  • Robust Security Features: Ubuntu offers strong security features out-of-the-box, including built-in firewall and encryption capabilities, which are essential for protecting sensitive academic and research data.
  • Regular Updates: The frequent updates and patches ensure that security vulnerabilities are promptly addressed, maintaining a secure environment for users.
  1. Stability and Reliability:
  • Long-Term Support (LTS): Ubuntu’s LTS versions provide stable and reliable performance with support and updates for five years, making it an ideal choice for university IT systems that require long-term stability.
  • Minimal Downtime: The robustness of Ubuntu minimizes downtime, ensuring that educational and research activities proceed without interruptions.
  1. Flexibility and Customization:
  • Highly Customizable: Universities can tailor Ubuntu to meet specific needs, from customizing the user interface to selecting software packages that align with their academic requirements.
  • Wide Range of Applications: Ubuntu supports a vast array of applications and development tools, making it suitable for various departments, from humanities to advanced scientific research.
  1. Community and Support:
  • Active Community: Ubuntu boasts a large and active community of developers and users who contribute to its continuous improvement and provide support through forums and documentation.
  • Educational Resources: Numerous resources, including tutorials and guides, are available to help users, especially students and faculty, get the most out of the operating system.

What is Edubuntu?

Edubuntu is a derivative of Ubuntu specifically designed for use in educational environments. It aims to provide a comprehensive operating system tailored to the needs of students, educators, and institutions.

  1. Pre-Installed Educational Software:
  • KDE Education Suite: A collection of educational software covering mathematics, science, language learning, and more, making it an all-in-one solution for classrooms.
  • GCompris: An educational software suite comprising numerous activities for children aged 2 to 10, covering basic computer use, reading, mathematics, and science.
  1. User-Friendly Interface:
  • Intuitive Design: Edubuntu offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, reducing the learning curve for students and educators new to Linux.
  • Customization Options: The interface can be customized to suit different age groups and educational settings, providing an adaptable learning environment.
  1. Enhanced Collaboration Tools:
  • Classroom Management: Tools like iTalc (Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers) allow teachers to view and control multiple student desktops, facilitating better classroom management and interactive learning.
  • Collaborative Applications: Edubuntu includes applications that promote collaboration, such as Etherpad for real-time document editing and Moodle for creating online learning platforms.
  1. Focus on Digital Literacy:
  • Coding and Development: Edubuntu includes programming tools and environments like Scratch and Python, encouraging students to develop coding skills from an early age.
  • STEM Education: The OS is equipped with software that supports STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, preparing students for future technological advancements.
  1. Accessibility and Inclusivity:
  • Assistive Technologies: Edubuntu integrates assistive technologies to support students with disabilities, ensuring an inclusive learning environment.
  • Multiple Language Support: The system supports multiple languages, catering to diverse student populations.


The adoption of Ubuntu and Edubuntu by universities around the world underscores the importance of reliable, secure, and cost-effective IT solutions in education. Ubuntu’s strengths in these areas, combined with the tailored educational features of Edubuntu, make them ideal choices for academic institutions aiming to provide a robust and inclusive learning environment. By leveraging these open-source platforms, universities can enhance their educational offerings, support diverse learning needs, and prepare students for the digital future.

For more information on Ubuntu and Edubuntu, you can visit their official websites Ubuntu and Edubuntu.


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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