Modkit is an in-browser graphical programming environment for microcontrollers. Modkit allows you to program Arduino and Compatible hardware using simple graphical blocks and/or traditional text code. Modkit’s graphical blocks are heavily inspired by the Scratch programming environment developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. Modkit runs in your web browser and requires our Desktop Widget to communicate with your development board. You can use Modkit for free or join our Alpha Club to support Modkit and enjoy additional features before their release to the general public.

New Alpha Club Features!
As an Alpha Club Member, you will get access to the latest features including Code View, Variables and Drag and Drop Hardware. Code View allows you to start with blocks and move on to traditional text code. Variables allow you to add complexity to your programs, storing values for later use. Drag and Drop Hardware allows you to visually configure your hardware components, tying your hardware to the graphical blocks available for programming: A Modkit first. All of these features are planned to be released in our Free Version this summer, but by becoming an Alpha Club Member, you can help support our development and get early access in return. Learn about these and all the other Free and Alpha Club Features now.

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An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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