DroidRTTY is available now on Android Market.

DroidRTTY is an Android application to decode and encode Ham Radio RTTY with the build in microphone/speaker or wired to your radio.

A waterfall shows the frequency spectrum of 100Hz to 2000Hz. Just slide the waterfall slide on a RTTY carrier frequency and DroidRTTY will decode the signal.

In transmitting mode characters can be entered trough the keyboard. 9 Macros are also available to store standard texts like “name and qth” and “station info”

DroidRTTY also includes a logbook. Callsign, Name RST etc can be easily transfered into the lookbook from the receiving screen.
The logbook also includes ADIF export and import to transfer your logbook data to a PC based logging software.

If you like to see more information you can take a look at the manual at : http://www.wolphi.com/droidrtty/manual/ 


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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