Amateur radio service is defines as a radio-communications service in which a station is used for the purpose of self-training, intercommunication and technical investigations carried out by amateurs, that is, by duly authorisedauthorised persons who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without any pecuniary interest. In Brunei Darussalam, the amateur radio service is regulated by Authority for Info-communications Technology Industry of Brunei Darussalam (AITI). Amateur Radio services may provide alternative for emergency communication in time of natural disaster. Amateur Radio has been recognized as an important part of the radio community. ITU has allocated frequency bands for amateur radio service internationally in a sharing basis.

Amateur radio license category

  1. Standard Class License – This is for new amateur radio operators. New amateur radio operators are only allowed to transmit and receive in the VHF frequency band in the range of 144.000 MHz to 148.000 MHz.
  2. Advanced Class License – An upgrade from Standard Class license. Advanced Class Amateur Radio operator is able to operate in all amateur bands.
License that is issued by AITI is only valid to be used in Brunei Darussalam territory. Applicants are advised not to proceed with the purchase of equipment and installation of the station until their application for a license has been approved.

License Application

Standard class license – To apply for Amateur Radio Standard Class License, applicant is required to fill in and submit the completed AITI License Application form together with the following document:-

  1. Copy of Identity Card (IC) of applicant (which is signed).
  2. For young applicants aged between 14-17 years old, must also fulfill condition stated below:

a) A permission letter and photocopy of identification card (IC) of the guarantor. Guarantor must be among his or her family (Father or Mother or Guardian).
b) Guarantor must renew his or her letter every year and attach while renewing license holder’s radio amateur license.
c) Guarantor’s letter is valid until expiry of radio amateur license of license holder.

* Guarantors will be held responsible for activities done by license holder.

For non-Bruneians who want to operate the amateur radio station, he or she must have a valid amateur radio license issued by his/her home country authority and a written letter from local guarantor stated in written form with a copy of guarantor identification card (IC) with additional conditions:
  1. Guarantor must renew his or her letter every year and attach while renewing license holder radio amateur license.
  2. Guarantor letter is valid until expiry of radio amateur license.
* Guarantors will be held responsible for activities done by license holder.

* For non-Bruneian who does not have amateur license, he or she must sit for the radio amateur examination.

Advanced Class License

For existing Standard Class License holders issued before June 2007, they can apply the Advanced Class license subject to:-

  1. Sit for another amateur radio examination and pass the amateur radio examination.
  2. Must be active.
  3. Licensee are required to submit their amateur radio logbook for the previous 6 (six) months.

For new Standard Class Amateur Radio License holder issued after June 2007, they can apply to Advance Class License subject to:-

  1. The amateur license holder have hold the standard class license for a minimum of six (6) months.
  2. Must be active.
  3. Licensee are required to submit their amateur radio logbook for the previous 6 (six) months.

Application Procedure (Flowchart)
 Duration of amateur radio license

Each amateur radio license is valid for a year (1 year). Amateur radio license holders must renew their license 2 months before expiry date
Amateur radio examination

Amateur Radio Examination is a part of a procedure to have an Amateur Radio license. This is to ensure the applicant knows the regulation, procedure and the operation of Amateur Radio. 

Amateur Radio Examination Schedule

  • AITI will conduct Amateur Radio Examination 3 times annually.
  • The date for the Amateur Radio Examination will be announced in local newspaper and AITI website at
  • The Amateur Radio Examination’s schedule for the year can be downloaded via Amateur Radio Examination Schedule.

Registration for Amateur Radio Examination

  • Date for Amateur Radio Examination registration will be announced in local newspapers and AITI website (
  • Payment for Amateur Radio Examination registration is B$10. This payment is not refundable.
  • Payment for Amateur Radio Examination can be made during AITI office hours.

                                                Monday – Thursday:           8.00 am – 11.45am
                                                                                         1.30 pm – 3.45pm           
                                                Friday:                              8.00 am – 11.30am
                                                                                         2.30 pm – 3.30pm

Amateur Radio Examination Syllabus consists of:

Written Examination

a) Amateur Radio Written Examination consist of 2 sections with 30 questions in each section.
b) Section I: Licensing conditions, operating procedures with practices and transmitter interference.
c) Section II: Elementary theory of electricity, communication and transmitting techniques.
d) The Amateur Radio Written Examination Syllabus can be downloaded via Amateur Radio Written Examination Syllabus

Amateur Radio Written Examination Information

  1. Candidate must be inside the examination venue 15 minutes before the examination start. Candidates who arrive late 30 minute after the examination start is not allow to sit for the exam.
  2. Time allocated for the examination is 2 hours. Candidate can leave the examination hall after 30 minutes the Amateur Radio Written Examination start with the approval of exam supervisor.
  3. Candidate must return the question sheet and answer sheet to examiner before leaving the examination hall.
  4. Candidates must fill in their index and Identification Card number (I.C) on both question sheet and answer sheet.
  5. Failure to attend the Amateur Radio Examination will be considered as a withdrawal and payment for the examination fee is not refundable.
  6. Mobile phone and any other type of communication devices brought by the candidate must be switch off.
  7. If there is any candidate who do not obliged any rules and regulations, further action will be taken to the candidate.
  8. Only BLUE or BLACK PEN is allow to be use on the answer sheet. Use of electronic calculator is allowed.
  9. Each candidate is only given One Question Paper and One Answer Sheet.
  10. Candidate can only do calculation on the question paper.
  11. The date of the examination result will be announced during the examination.
  12. Question and Answer sheet must be returned to examiner.
  13. Candidate must pass both section A and section B. Failure in one of the sections is assumed to fail in that examination paper.

Amateur radio past year examination paper

Amateur Radio past year examination paper is available for download via Amateur Radio Past Year Examination Paper.

Amateur radio license fee

After the applicants pass their amateur radio examination, the applicant can apply for a standard class license. Applicants are required to bring necessary document stated below:

  1. Valid result slip of Amateur Radio Examination.
  2. Receipt of radio equipment payment from authorized local dealer OR.
  3. If the applicant imports radio equipment from overseas, AITI requires the Detention receipt or Notice of seizure issued by Royal Brunei Customs & Excise, Ministry of Finance, Brunei Darussalam. Applicant is subject to payment of type approval and import permit fee of the radio equipment.

Payment for amateur radio license is charge based on per equipment basis.
The charges are stated in the table below:- 

Fee per year
Fixed Home base Station
B$ 25.00
Mobile Station
B$ 25.00
B$ 25.00
Repeater Station
B$ 100.00

Other payments are shown as below:-
         Type Approval   – B$50.00 a unit (B$300.00 for next unit)     
         Import Permit     – B$20.00 per unit (valid for 2 weeks)

Accreditation for Amateur Radio Practical Examiner

For more information, please view at this page.


Callsign are use to identify the operator or station during any and all radio communication.
In Brunei Darussalam, the callsign for Amateur Radio starts with V8. Further details on the callsign can be found in the Guidelines For Amateur Radio Callsign.
Callsign have to be said in English language. This procedure is required to avoid confusion.
All Amateur radio operators must transmit their callsign from the beginning of the conversation.

Amateur Radio Frequency Band

The table below shows a list of frequency bands use for Amateur radio in Brunei.
Amateur Radio user may use the stated frequency band according to their license and radio equipment

Frequency Band (MHz) Metre band (m) License class Max Power Output (Watts) Remarks
0.165 – 0.190 1750 Advanced
1.800 – 1.950 160 Advanced 10
3.500 – 3.900 80 Advanced 150
7.000- 7.100 40 Advanced 150
10.100 – 10.150 30 Advanced 150 Secondary Basis
14.000 – 14.350 20 Advanced 150
18.068 – 18.168 17 Advanced 150
21.000 – 21.450 15 Advanced 150
24.890 – 24.990 12 Advanced 150
27.120 11 Advanced 150
28.000 – 29.700 10 Advanced 150
50.000 – 54.000 6 Advanced 150
144.000 – 148.000 2 Standard 150
430.000 – 440.000 0.7 Advanced 150 See Table below*

*Band Plan and Spot Frequencies for UHF Amateur Radio Band 430 – 440MHz (on secondary basis)

No Band Mode Frequencies Maximum Output Power
1 432.000-432.150 Continuous Wave (CW) only 432.000 10 watts erp
2 432.150-432.500 Single-sideband (SSB) and CW only 432.200 10 watts erp
3 432.500-432.800 Radio Teleprinter (RTTY) 432.600 10 watts erp
4 433.375-434.600 FM Simplex Channels 433.625433.650 10 watts erp
 For more info, go to


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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