II1IANS is a special event callsign operated by E.R.A. Arenzano from Nazario Sauro Genova submarine.

This special call-sign will be back on air on January 26th and 27th from “Nazario Sauro” submarine !! It will be operated by ERA Arenzano’s operators.

Only this one is the correct “Nazario Sauro” callsign.

This special call-sign has been operated during the Festival of Science of Genova, from October 15th, to November 10th, 2010.

The Submarine “Nazario Sauro” is the first of a generation of Italian submarines built in the 70’s, witnesses and protagonists of the last years of the Cold War.

This submarine is docked in Genoa in front of the “Galata” Sea’s Museum.

“Nazario Sauro” is part of the Sea’s Museum visit and he is the biggest submarine ever shown in an Italian Museum.

The visitors can embark into the “Sauro” and live a fascinating and unique underwater experience.

Every QSO will be confirmed by eQSL(AG).


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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