To those who own a PengPod1000, feels free to try KB1OIQ – Andy’s Ham Radio Linux on your device.

KB1OIQ – Andy’s Ham Radio Linux is a custom operating system based on Ubuntu. It’s target is for amateur radio usage. For more info, visit

Direct link download for PengPod100 image,

The included amateur radio software is shown

  • – command line program used with RigExpert AA-xxx analyzers
  • chirp          – used to program frequencies into HTs (chirpw)
  • cqrlog         – a full featured QSO logging program
  • cwwav          – command line program to convert text files to CW wav or mp3
  • earthtrack     – used with predict and xplanet to display satellites
  • flamp          – NBEMS program for Amateur Multicast Protocol (AMP)
  • fldigi         – digital modes such as PSK31 (NBEMS)
  • flmsg          – companion to fldigi, a simple forms management editor for standard message formats (NBEMS)
  • fllog          – to provide a common log across networked computers
  • flrig          – rig control
  • flwkey         – modem program for the K1EL Winkeyer series
  • flwrap         – companion to fldigi, file encapsulation / compression
  • Fl Moxgen      – Moxon Rectangle antenna design program
  • gerbv          – view Gerber files
  • glfer          – QRSS (slow CW) or DFCW (Dual Frequency CW) modes
  • gpredict       – satellite tracking
  • gqrx           – software defined radio receiver
  • grig           – rig control software
  • gspiceui       – GUI interface for spice
  • gwave          – analog waveform viewer (e.g. spice output)
  • hamlib         – radio control library
  • ibp            – HF beacons
  • net            – a net control logging program by W1HKJ
  • owx            – Open Wouxun, command line programs for Wouxun HTs
  • pcb            – interactive printed circuit board editor
  • predict        – predict orbits of satellites (used with earthtrack)
  • qrq            – CW callsign practice
  • qsstv          – SSTV (slow scan TV)
  • qtel           – Echolink client
  • soundmodem     – user mode driver for packet radio (useful with xastir)
  • splat          – command line HF propagation prediction
  • sunclock       – track day/night line on Earth
  • svxlink        – Echolink server
  • TQSL           – used with ARRL Logbook of the World
  • TQSL Cert      – used with ARRL Logbook of the World
  • voacapl        – VOACAP for Linux – propagation prediction
  • wsjt           – weak signal communication
  • wspr           – weak signal communication
  • xastir         – APRS mapping
  • xcwcp          – CW code practice
  • xdx            – DX cluster TCP/IP client
  • xlog           – simpler QSO logging program
  • xnec2c         – antenna modeling software
  • xplanet        – used by earthtrack and predict to track satellites
  • xwxapt         – display APT images from weather satellites


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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