PocketDigi is an open source utility developed by OK1IAK to provide ham radio operators with PocketPC PDAs with the ability to use (encode and decode) digital modes such as RTTY (teletype), PSK (phase shift keying), and CW (Morse Code).

Want to take your PocketPC PDA to go backpack mobile and work PSK31 QRP? Then, PocketDigi is the app for you! Since the advent of mobile computing, radio amateurs have been exploring creative ways to utilize laptop computers and PDAs for portable ham radio operations and mini-DXpeditions.

PocketDigi was created by Vojtech OK1IAK who built the utility using Microsoft’s Embedded Visual C. He used (and improved) portions of a Linux GNU open source application called gMFSK to do encoding and decoding.

Currently, PocketDigi is still in early development stages and has not been fully tested on every PocketPC platform. However, many hams have reported good results on PocketPC PDAs using at least a 206 MHz processor.

Fortunately, Vojtech has made PocketDigi freely available, along with source code, via the SourceForge website. This will undoubtedly lead to future development and improvement of this application for the ham community.

How to install ?

Copy the cab installer into your PDA using cable or bluetooth

and tap on the file, the installation begins. just follow the instructions.

Download Pocketdigi cab file installer from here


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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