While many hams simply enjoy talking to friends, others pursue a wide variety of specialized interests.

* Amateur Radio Direction Finding, also known as “Fox hunting”
* Amateur radio emergency communications
* Amateur television
* Communicating via amateur satellites
* Contesting, earning awards, and collecting QSL cards
* Designing new antennas
* DX communication to far away countries
* DX-peditions
* Hamfests, club meetings and swap meets
* Hand building homebrew amateur radio gear
* High speed multimedia
* High Speed Telegraphy
* Packet radio
* Portable, fixed, mobile and handheld operation
* Low-power operation (QRP).
* Severe weather spotting
* Tracking tactical information using the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS), which may integrate with the GPS
* Using the Internet Radio Linking Project (IRLP) to connect radio repeaters via the Internet
* VHF, UHF and microwave operation on amateur radio high bands
* Vintage amateur radios, such as those using vacuum tube technology
* Morse code, amateur radio VOIP, satellites communication and tracking, and many more!


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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