Event: Hamfest 2010 http://www.hamfest.my
Date: 30 July, 31 July and 1 Aug 2010
Time: 10 am to 10 pm
Who we are:

Malaysian Ubuntu-hams ( Attendee: 9W2PJU, 9W2HDZ and SWL Tony )
What we do here: Promoting Ubuntu to all Malaysia ham radio operator and giving free Ubuntu CDs to them.

See more photo here http://www.flickr.com/photos/9w2pju/sets/72157624490701603/

Credits: Thanks to all Ubuntu-hams, supporters, Malaysian hamradio operators, 9W2FYI the event manager, Apogee for the great logo, 9M2AR, 9W2PYT, 9W2HDZ, SWL Tony for the picnic table, friends, foes, and big thanks To mypapit 9W2WTF for the non stop supports.


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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