Ubuntu Hams is organizing an on air net.
To all Ubuntu Ham members, please join the net.
All ham radio operator are welcome.

Here is the schedule:

Tuesday UTC 0200 Freq 3.860 Mode LSB
Wednesday UTC 2300 Freq 14.0690 Mode PSK31
Friday UTC 2700 Freq 3.5470 Mode PSK31

Friday UTC 1430 K9IU-L Node Mode Echolink

You can use fldigi or gMFSK for PSK31 mode on any Linux or BSD.
To Ubuntu user, just open your Terminal and type “sudo apt-get install fldigi gmfsk” without quotes.

For Echolink net, you can install Windows Echolink software from using Wine on Ubuntu.
Instructions, go to

If you are using macintosh, you can use echomac,

Echolink software also available for iPhone and iPod Touch

These nets will be conducted as “assisted” nets, with coordination happening on the #ubuntu-hams irc channel on Official Ubuntu Hams net wiki

Hope to hear your audio soon!

Million thanks to Steve AI4QR and all Ubuntu-hams members.

–… …– -.. . —-. .– ..— .–. .— ..-


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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