List Of Linux Operating System For Ham Radio Operator

ham_tux List Of Linux Operating System For Ham Radio Operator

Linux is new anymore, there are many custom Linux operating system that was designed for ham radio operators. Here are the list of famous Linux operating system for ham radio usage

1. KB1OIQ – Andy’s Ham Radio Linux DVD – This is a remastered version of Ubuntu Linux. As of version 13, there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions available.

2. hamOS – A Debian based Live and Installable operating system for radio amateurs.
hamOS contains many preinstalled ham radio applications as well as a
custom menu. This respin is geared toward the newer linux user. hamOS
uses the lightweight LXDE desktop environment and is therefore suitable
for older hardware.
Check out the GetExtras folder on the desktop to run some custom
scripts that will automatically grab flash, codecs, and other non-libre

3. Ar-knoppix

4. Harv’s Hamshack Hack

5.  Digipup – based on puppylinux (lightweight linux distribution)

6. Shackbox – Shackbox provide linux AND windows software like the famous ham radio
deluxe, trunking software and a lot of other software related to
electronics, antenna design and else.

7.  Hamux – CentOS based repository with ham radio software.

However, you can choose any linux distro you like and install any ham radio applications that you desired. Since linux is opensource operating system, you can hack the source to suit your taste. Google, Yahoo also powered by linux operating system and small hardware such as switch, routers, acces point also powered by linux nowadays. Most of websites running on linux webservers. Happy Hamlinux-ing!


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