In the world of amateur radio, innovation and experimentation are key. One of the most exciting tools available to amateur radio operators today is the Raspberry Pi, a versatile and affordable single-board computer. With its compact size, powerful capabilities, and extensive community support, the Raspberry Pi can revolutionize your ham radio setup. In this blog post, we’ll explore the various uses of Raspberry Pi for amateur radio operators and delve into the advantages of using Ubuntu Linux on this tiny powerhouse.

Why Raspberry Pi for Amateur Radio?

The Raspberry Pi offers several advantages that make it an excellent choice for amateur radio enthusiasts:

  1. Affordability: Starting at just $35, the Raspberry Pi provides a cost-effective solution for a wide range of radio applications.
  2. Compact Size: Its small form factor makes it easy to integrate into your existing radio setup without taking up much space.
  3. Versatility: With a plethora of available software and hardware add-ons, the Raspberry Pi can be adapted for numerous radio functions.
  4. Community Support: A large and active community means plenty of resources, tutorials, and forums to help you troubleshoot and expand your projects.

Common Uses of Raspberry Pi in Amateur Radio

  1. Digital Mode Operations: The Raspberry Pi can be used to operate various digital modes such as FT8, PSK31, and RTTY. Software like WSJT-X can be easily installed on the Raspberry Pi to decode and encode digital signals.
  2. Software-Defined Radio (SDR): Pairing a Raspberry Pi with an SDR dongle (like the RTL-SDR) allows you to receive a wide range of frequencies and demodulate various types of signals. Software such as GQRX or CubicSDR can be used to process the SDR data.
  3. APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System): The Raspberry Pi can be used as an APRS iGate or digipeater. By using software like Direwolf, you can decode APRS packets and send position reports to APRS-IS.
  4. EchoLink Node: You can set up a Raspberry Pi as an EchoLink node, allowing you to connect to other EchoLink nodes and repeaters worldwide. This is particularly useful for operators without access to a physical radio.
  5. Repeater Controller: A Raspberry Pi can serve as a repeater controller, managing the operation of an amateur radio repeater, handling tasks such as CW ID, timers, and control functions.
  6. Weather Station Integration: By connecting sensors to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi, you can collect weather data and transmit it via APRS or other digital modes.
  7. Remote Station Control: You can use the Raspberry Pi to control your radio station remotely. Software like Hamlib or FLRig allows you to operate your rig from anywhere in the world.

Ubuntu Linux on Raspberry Pi

While the Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian) is the default operating system for Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu Linux is an excellent alternative that offers several benefits:

  1. Familiarity: Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions, and many users are already familiar with its interface and package management system.
  2. Support and Updates: Ubuntu provides regular updates and long-term support (LTS) versions, ensuring stability and security for your projects.
  3. Software Availability: The Ubuntu repositories contain a vast array of software packages, including many applications relevant to amateur radio.
Installing Ubuntu on Raspberry Pi
  1. Download Ubuntu: Go to the official Ubuntu website and download the appropriate image for your Raspberry Pi model.
  2. Flash the Image: Use software like Balena Etcher to flash the downloaded image onto a microSD card.
  3. Boot the Raspberry Pi: Insert the microSD card into your Raspberry Pi and power it on. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup.
  4. Install Ham Radio Software: Use the terminal to install necessary software. For example, to install WSJT-X, you can use:
   sudo apt update
   sudo apt install wsjtx
Popular Software for Amateur Radio on Ubuntu
  • WSJT-X: For digital modes like FT8 and JT65.
  • FLDigi: A versatile digital mode software.
  • CQRLog: A powerful logging program for ham radio operators.
  • Xastir: APRS software for Linux.
  • GQRX: SDR receiver application.
  • Hamlib: Library for controlling radio transceivers and receivers.


The Raspberry Pi is a game-changer for amateur radio operators, offering a compact, affordable, and versatile platform for a myriad of applications. By running Ubuntu Linux on your Raspberry Pi, you gain access to a robust and familiar operating system with a vast array of software tools at your disposal. Whether you’re operating digital modes, setting up an SDR, or controlling your station remotely, the Raspberry Pi can enhance your ham radio experience in exciting and innovative ways. Embrace the power of Raspberry Pi and take your amateur radio projects to new heights!


An amateur radio operator, military veteran, jack of all trades and master of none.

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